Friday, April 4, 2008

4th of April

So, I’m getting better at the language, and I starting to really love it here, but I feel like I’m neglecting people back home. It sucks because when I want to call someone, first I have to make sure that person would even be awake, then I have to try and remember his or her number. My host parents speak English so they usually know what I’m saying, but if I talk fast, slang, and Texan enough, they can’t tell what I’m saying. I wish someone would mail me some sour candy, they don’t sell it here in Moldova, sigh. Next Monday, we find out our future sites, so exciting, so next weekend, we go on our 3 day site visits. I will stay with a new family every night and everyday I will go and check out my new job. After that, I go to Chisinau for 2 days for a sort of debriefing conference. I can’t believe it’s already April, and I’ve already been here for over a month. Time seems to fly by. I learned a little Russian the other day. Our language classes went over the Cyrillic alphabet, just FYI, their H is our N, their B is our V, their C is our S, so on and so forth. I was really sick for like a week and a half, it was terrible. One night I coughed all night long, and finally fell asleep at like 3:30, but now I’m better, hooray. Also, I’ve been able to keep up with Lost, so that has been really awesome. Anyways, I miss everyone back home, so send me stuff, NOW. Addy is on Facebook.

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